Artículos Científicos
2013 JR Peeters, P Vanegas, JR Duflou, T Mizuno, S Fukushige, Y Umeda., Effects of boundary conditions on the end-of-life treatment of LCD TVs., CIRP Annals 62 (1), 35-38.,
2013 Duque-Rivera J, Barriga A, Boero A, Guerrero G, Zabala G, Albán L, Ramirez A, Rivadeneira E., Methane emissions from a declining marginal oil field as a clean energy source: identification, quantification and pre-feasibility assessment., Cancun, Mexico. Conference Proceedings "Eleventh LACCEI Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology (LACCEI’2013) ”Innovation in Engineering, Technology and Education for Competitiveness and Prosperity”.,
2013 Ángel Ramírez, Andrea Boero, Ana Ma. Melendres, Francisco Izurieta, Sebastián Espinoza, Jorge Duque. , Desarrollo de una evaluación de ciclo de vida de la electricidad. , Primer Congreso Internacional y Expo Científica Investigación Sostenible: Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética 2013 (ISEREE 2013).,
2012 Ramirez A, Humphries A, Woodgate S, Wilkinson RG. , Greenhouse gas (GHG) life-cycle assessment of mammalian rendered products in the UK. Advances in Animal Biosciences., . Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research Work.,
2012 Ramirez A, Humphries A, Woodgate S, Wilkinson RG. , Greenhouse gas (GHG) life-cycle assessment of broiler production and the effects of replacing soya bean meal with processed animal protein (PAP). Advances in Animal Biosciences. , Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research Work.,
2012 Ramirez AD, Humphries AC, Woodgate SL, Wilkinson RG. , The potential for energy self-sufficiency in the United Kingdom rendering industry. Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards III. , Transactions: Ecology and the Environment volume 148. Ravage of the Planet 2011.,
2012 Ramirez AD, Humphries AC, Woodgate SL, Wilkinson RG. , Greenhouse gas life cycle assessment of products arising from the rendering of mammalian animal by-products in the UK. , Environmental Science & Technology 46, 447-453.,
2012 Chico Santamarta L, Ramirez AD, Godwin RJ, White DR, Chaney K, Humphries AC. , Energy use and carbon dioxide emissions associated with the compression of oilseed rape straw. , Valencia, Spain. Conference Proceedings. International Conference of Agricultural Engineering. CIGR-Agent 2012.,
2007 Karlsson S, Ramirez A. , Plug-ins – a viable efficiency option? Saving Energy – Just do it! , ECEEE 2007 Summer Study proceedings.,
2007 Duque Rivera J, Ramírez Mosquera A, Zabala Ortiz G., Tamizado de tecnologías energéticas renovables para el uso en industrias y servicios rurales: Tres casos en Ecuador. , Memorias 8voCongreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Mecánica.,