Artículos Científicos
2015 Salas D, Petroche D, Ramírez AD, Rodríguez C, Boero A, Meléndres A, Duque-Rivera J., Definición de Objetivo y Alcance para el Análisis de Ciclo de Vida Ambiental del Cemento en el Ecuador., Puerto Rico Conference Proceedings 13th LACCEI Annual International Conference: “Engineering Education Facing the Grand Challenges, What Are We Doing?” ,
2014 JR Peeters, P Vanegas, L Tange, J Van Houwelingen, JR Duflou., Closed loop recycling of plastics containing Flame Retardants., Resources, conservation and recycling 84, 35-43.,
2014 L Tange, J Peeters, P Vanegas., RECYCLING WEEE PLASTICS, A CHALLENGE TO ACHIEVE THE WEEE DIRECTIVE TARGETS., Going Green–CARE INNOVATION 2014. Towards a Resource Efficient Economy, 1-5.,
2014 P Vanegas, J Peeters, W Dewulf, D Cattrysse, J Duflou., Disassembly targets for improving resource efficiency: Analysis of environmental relevance for flat panel displays., Going Green–CARE INNOVATION 2014. Towards a Resource Efficient Economy, 1-8.,
2014 P Vanegas, JR Peeters, F Plessers, D Cattrysse, JR Duflou., Synergizing industrialized and developing countries to improve resource recovery for e–waste: case study Belgium–Kenya., Procedia CIRP 15, 283-288.,
2014 Ramirez AD, Torres D, Peña P, Duque-Rivera J., Life cycle assessment of greenhouse gas emissions arising from the production of glued and pressed wall panels derived from Guadua Angustifolia Kunth (bamboo) in Ecuador., WIT Transactions on Ecology on The Built Environment, Vol 142, WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3509 (on-line).,
2014 Guayanlema V, Espinoza S, Ramirez AD, Núñez A., Trends and mitigation options of greenhouse gas emissions from the road transport sector in Ecuador., WIT Transactions on Ecology and The Environment, Vol 191, ISSN 1743-3541 (on-line), WIT Press.,
2014 Boero A, Melendres AM, Duque-Rivera J, Ramírez AD., Caracterización de las Emisiones de las Tecnologías de Generación Térmica en el Ecuador., Guayaquil, Ecuador. Conference Proceedings Twelfth LACCEI Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology (LACCEI’2014) ”Excellence in Engineering To Enhance a Country’s Productivity”.,
2013 L Tange, JA Van Houwelingen, JR Peeters, P Vanega., Recycling of flame retardant plastics from WEEE, technical and environmental challenges., Journal homepage: apem-journal. org 8 (2), 67-77.,
2013 JR Peeters, P Vanegas, T Devoldere, W Dewulf, JR Duflou., Product clustering for closed loop recycling of flame retardant plastics: A case study for flat screen TVs., Re-engineering Manufacturing for Sustainability, 383-388.,